Logo of the New Kadampa Tradition - International Kadampa Buddhist Union

New Kadampa Tradition

Logo of the New Kadampa Tradition - International Kadampa Buddhist Union

"Buddha is the doctor who gives us this medicine, and the Sangha are the nurses who assist us."

~ Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

International Community

The New Kadampa Tradition has a vibrant community across the globe that has been expanding year after year. This community is termed "Sangha", and it is a group of spiritual friends who are there to help guide and support you along the path to peace and enlightenment.

Through the international Temples project, the New Kadampa Tradition aim to have a Kadampa Temple in every major city worldwide, making the teachings of Buddha available readily to people of this modern world.

A picture of the first temple built by the New Kadampa Tradition located in the Lake District
First NKT Temple, Ulverston, Lake District, UK

Ways To Connect In Person

Should you wish to spend some time experiencing the community and what it is like to be amongst like-minded people, I highly recommend attending one of their international festivals or even booking into one of their centers for a working holiday.

International Festivals

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso teaching at a festival
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso giving a teaching

The New Kadampa Tradition holds three primary festivals per year. Manjushri Meditation Center, located in the Lake District, is considered the hub of the New Kadampa Tradition and hosts two of the three international festivals between the spring and summer seasons. The third festival then moves around to a different global location every fall.

These festivals usually have over 3000 attendees gathering from across the globe in one place for a meaningful holiday. There is no obligation to work at a festival; however, it is run entirely by volunteers should you be the sort who likes to keep busy whilst making new friends.

The teachings are provided in English and translated into multiple languages via headsets. You can book translation with one easy click during the booking stage.

For more information on future festivals, you can visit the traditions festival page.

There are also smaller, more regional festivals throughout the year. You can find more information about these small scale festivals on the traditions regional courses page.

Working Holidays

A team of volunteers at work
Volunteers hard at work

Kadampa Meditation Centers take a lot of effort to maintain. Centers around the world are usually open to offering free accommodation, food and classes to anyone willing to spend a week or two living within the center whilst helping out with the various activities required to run it. You even get plenty of time off to explore the geographical location during your evenings and weekends.

The conditions and tasks would vary according to the center's needs. Should you wish to learn more about this, you can use this center locator tool on Kadampa.org and contact the desired center directly to ask about availabilities for working holidays and what that would look like at their center.

Please note that due to covid restrictions, some centers may currently be unable to offer working holidays. Despite this, I am sure they would welcome the opportunity to connect with you via email and discuss any plans you may want to make for the future or even settle any curiosities you may have regarding the tradition.